Conquer Your ADD

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder

Adult attention deficit disorder, or adult ADD, may be a very frustrating condition to obtain. Almost all of the initial research and concentrate for the attention deficit disorders was focused on children and adolescents, but adults are similar to how likely to have the condition as youths. The disorder normally makes itself condition during childhood, with difficulties from school being one of the most common hallmarks of the condition of the property, which helps to clarify why so much focus has actually been on children with the disease. But children with attention deficit when using the age to be adults with attention deficit disorder.

If you're an adult and you are encountering difficulties focusing at work, difficulty taking note of people in everyday conversations, find yourself interrupting people a lot, losing things frequently, are easily distracted from tasks, are quickly frustrated or find yourself feeling over stimulated often, you may have adult attention deficit disorder.

Treatment for the disorder mirrors the treatments utilized for children when using the condition. The first step you have to take if you suspect you might have a grown-up attention deficit condition would be to see a physician. There are other disorders that could mimic an adult attention deficit condition, for instance anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder,  depression, or bipolar disorder, and it's important these be excluded before trying treatments.

Most doctors will agree there exists also a number of non-medication based steps you can take to alleviate some of your symptoms. Getting regular vigorous exercise has actually been shown to really help of people with ADD. Also a diet loaded with low fat protein is recommended. Keeping lists, writing notes, breaking is advisable tasks down into smaller parts and taking other similar steps to counter your disorder will really help as well. Medication is also another choice. Talk with your doctor and decide together what method is ideal for you.


ADD: The 20-Hour Solution

ADD: The 20-Hour Solution

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ADHD Kids Doomed to Failure?

In one corner you have the problem kindergartner. He pick fights with his classmates, incessantly interrupts the teacher and openly defies his teacher if push comes to shove. In the other corner you have the well-behaved kindergartner who wants nothing more than to please his teacher.

Guess which student performed better in reading and math by the time they reached the fifth grade?

In a large scale study of behavior and school performance, an international team of researchers analyzed measures of social and intellectual development from over 16,000 children.

Researchers found that the problem kindergarteners performed as well in reading and math as well-behaved peers by the time they ended their elementary school career.

So moms, dads, teachers and principals, please lighten up. The kindergarten terrors don't necessarily need to be medicated, held back or frown upon. Their early school behavior problems will not doom them to a lackluster finish to their elementary school years.

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Back to School Time

You may, at this point of the summer, be more than ready for the kids to get back to school. For parents of ADHD kids, there are typically mixed emotions. Yes, it will be good to get back to a regular routine and, no, you are not looking forward to the phone calls from teachers.

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"ADHD Child Parenting Guide"

Hi all! I just stumbled across an excellent website that I found to be of great value. ADHD Child Parenting Guides highlights a number of (ADHD) treatment and therapy techniques and has a slew of informative articles. Here's a few;
Group Activities For Adhd Students

Fun Activities For Adhd

How To Deal With An Adhd Child

Diet Therapy For Adhd

Disciplining An Adhd Child

Adhd Teaching Strategies

Raising A Child With Adhd

Moms and dads, teachers and all who love our young bundles of energy - if you want a new place to find fresh information, this is one site to see.


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Adult ADHD Tip: Where Did the Day Go?

Time management is a sticky widget for adult ADHDers.

One of the best things you can do to keep you on task is to make a "To Do" list the night before or first thing in the morning. Write down everything you want to get done during the day, even if the list is longer than you know you can realistic accomplish.

Once you have your list, highlight the top six priorities of the day and do those before anything else. Make sure you check each project off as you move through the day to help you keep track of what was done and what still needs to be done.

Another popular technique is to have a dry-marker erase board on hand. These can be purchased for just about nothing at any of the popular mass-merchandise stores. When you have something that needs to be done, just write it on the board!

Sticky notes are great too….

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Exposing the ADHD Fiasco

The popular family psychologist, speaker, and best-selling author Dr. John Rosemond is known for his no-nonsense; common sense approach to parenting. Rosemond takes that same approach with his new book; "The Diseasing of America's Children: Exposing the ADHD Fiasco and Empowering Parents to Take Back Control."

Rosemond and pediatrician Dr. Bose Ravenel co-authored “The Diseasing of America's Children” to uncover the fiction and fallacy behind ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Early-onset Biopolar Disorder (EOBD), and the drugs commonly prescribed to treat these disorders.

Below is the Amazon Editorial Review for “The Diseasing of America's Children;”

How parents, teachers, and even professionals are being deceived by the "ADHD Establishment" regarding ADHD and other childhood behavior disorders and the drugs used to treat them.

The issue of diagnosing children with behavioral diseases that do not conform to a scientific definition of disease, and then medicating them is a scandal ready to erupt. In The Diseasing of America's Children, popular family psychologist, speaker, and best-selling author John Rosemond joins with pediatrician Dr. Bose Ravenel to uncover the fiction and fallacy behind attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), early-onset biopolar disorder (EOBD), and the drugs prescribed to treat them. Rosemond and Ravenel will:

Reveal the pseudo-science behind these diagnoses
Explain how parents, teachers, and even professionals are deceived
Expose the short- and long-term dangers behavioral drugs pose to children
Discuss how America's schools are unwittingly feeding the diagnostic beast
Reveal the simple, common sense truth behind these behavior problems
Give parents a practical program for curing these problems without drugs or dependence on professionals

This is one book you will want to read if your child or the child of someone you know has been diagnosed as ADHD, ODD or Bipolar. You can find it at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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Attention Deficit Disorder

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Diet and Attention Deficit Disorder

Research suggest that a healthy eating plan can influence the signs and symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder. The foods most likely to trigger aggravation are dairy, wheat, corn, eggs and citrus fruits. Because each child is unique, the key is to test and find out what foods irritate cause ADHD symptoms. Finding the ideal diet for your child can take time – upwards to 8 weeks to show improvements. If your child is deficient in certain nutrients, dietary supplements like Attend can have a positive effect on your child’s signs and symptoms.

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Children's Suicide Attempts Raise Concerns About Strattera

The safety of Strattera, a drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is in question amid reports that more than 40 Canadian children have attempted suicide after taking Strattera.

Atomoxetine, sold under the name Strattera, hit the market almost four years ago. Since that time, Health Canada said it received 189 reports of adverse reactions associated with the drug. Nearly one-third of the 189 reported adverse reactions were suicide attempts.

Suicidal tendencies are not the only concern that has been raised about Strattera. Just months after the drug was put on the Canadian market, Health Canada warned that the drug may trigger behavioral changes or increase the risk of self-harm. A year later, Health Canada issued a warning that all ADHD drugs, Strattera included, may be associated with agitation, hallucinations and other psychiatric problems among children.

Eli Lilly, the maker of Strattera, provided a written statement saying that Strattera is not the only ADHD drug that has been associated with suicidal behaviors.

If you were the parent of a child who attempted suicide, would Lilly’s statement pointing the finger other ADHD drugs make you feel better? I would think not.

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Meditation for ADHD

According to two new studies, meditation shows great promise as a new treatment of ADHD for adolescents and adults.

A George Washington University study involving middle school children revealed that regular meditation reduced ADHD by 50 percent. In this study, published this month in the “Current Issues in Education” journal, middle school children with ADHD practiced transcendental meditation twice daily. Teachers reported they were better able to teach and students were better able to learn because the students were less stressed and anxious.

Said study leader Sarina Grosswald, a cognitive learning specialist from George Washington University; "What's significant about these new findings is that among children who have difficulty with focus and attention, we see the same results. TM doesn't require concentration, controlling the mind or disciplined focus. The fact that these children are able to do TM, and do it easily shows us that this technique may be particularly well suited for children with ADHD."

Researchers of a second study, “Mindfulness Meditation Training in Adults and Adolescents with ADHD” found that a whopping 78 percent reported reduced ADHD symptoms. Additionally, adults in the study reported significant reductions in depressive and anxiety symptoms. In this study, published in “Journal of Attention Disorders,” participants attended eight weekly training sessions and also participated in at-home meditation practice.

Meditation, in a sense, helps develop "mental muscles." With meditation, you focus only on breathing in and out. When thoughts arise, label your thoughts as "thinking", gently push the thoughts aside and go back to your breath. The process of noticing thoughts, labeling them and returning attention back to the breath helps you acknowledge that the mind will wander, but that you don't always have to follow those thoughts. You can remain focused.

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Lawsuit Alleges Drug Manufacturers Targeting Methods Too General

Richard Scruggs, an Oxford attorney, is most popularly recognized for his paving the way for a settlement between the tobacco industry and the U.S. States in 1998. More recently, he has set his eyes on another tragic situation reaching epidemic proportions: ADHD medication and our children.

Stating a conspiracy grouping psychiatrists and the drug manufacturer of Ritalin, Scruggs contends that over 4 million children are taking Ritalin when it is not even necessary. Filed in the state court in San Diego, CA and the federal court in Hackensack, NJ, the lawsuits claim that the American Psychiatric Association, Novartis AG, and a popular non-profit “support” group called Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder have inappropriately and unnecessarily expanded upon the definition of this disorder to include children that would otherwise not be diagnosed with ADHD.

But why expand on the definition of ADHD to include many “normal” children? For profit of course.

By playing on the basic nurturing nature of a caregiver, the defendants of the lawsuits are playing on the fears of the caregiver wanting a healthy child. But by the expanded standards, virtually every child within the United States would be diagnosed with ADHD.

With over 90 percent of Ritalin sales found in the United States, professionals are finding it hard to explain why Europe and other countries are not experiencing this enormous influx of ADHD diagnosed children.

This spring, the White House launched an important initiative to reduce the number of children using this popular treatment.

Scruggs hopes to alter the method by which Ritalin is prescribed.

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Helping Your Child Through Better Nutrition.

Did you know that almonds provide more vitamin E than any other nut? The vitamin E content works synergistically with flavonoids in the almonds to produce an antioxidant effect beneficial to the digestive tract.

So, much better for your child than a chocolate bar with almonds, is the following muffin recipe made with almonds. This recipe also is protein packed.

Protein Muffins with Almonds.

½ cup ground almonds
1 cup ground flaxseed.
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
¾ cup whey protein powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
2 eggs
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2/3 c soft tofu
2/3 cup grated carrot
Grated zest of 1 organic lemon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mix together dry ingredients - flaxseed, ground nuts, baking soda, baking powder , whey protein powder, spices and salt - in a small bowl. Mix liquid ingredients – eggs, coconut oil, grated carrot, tofu, vanilla and lemon zest – together in a large bowl. Then gently fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients being careful to only mix until just combined. Overmixing will produce a less than desirable outcome.

Pour the mixture into muffin tins lined with paper cups and bake for 20-25 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the middle of a muffin comes out clean and dry. Overbaking will produce a dry, unappetizing muffin.

If there are any of these delectable muffins leftover, be sure to store in the refrigerator or freeze.

For more ADD-ADHD healthy recipes, click here.

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Holiday Stress Tips From The National Mental Health Assoc

-Make realistic goals. Plan ahead, shop and make travel plans early, pace yourself. This will help decreases last minute anxiety.
-Don’t do it on your own. Enlist the family to help you with holiday tasks.
-Scale down your expectations.
-Manage your time and make sure you leave extra time for last minute changes or crises.
-Try to relax. Deep breathing exercises, relaxation tapes and yoga are some techniques that may help.
-Exercise. If you already have a regular exercise routine, maintain it through the holidays.
-Monitor your feelings and share them with a friend. A quick phone call or email can help you feel better.

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Does Your Dog Have A.D.H.D.D?

Mike Adams, the man behind Natural News, posted a spoof press release Monday about A.D.H.D.D (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Doggy Disorder). It cracked me up. You can read the "press release" at;

Make sure you check out the accompanying "Fidolin ADHD Medication Ad Parody " at;

This 3-minute video clip is flat-out funny!

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Parenting Tip: Body English

Non-verbal communication speaks volumes, and often speaks louder than your verbal statements. Here are a list of non-verbal cues that tell your child that you appreciate them;

"Thumbs Up"
Pat on the back
High Five

Eye contact is also a powerful non-verbal cue. Turning your complete attention to your child tells them that they are important and that you are listening to them.

Sprinkle 10 non-verbal "I like You" gestures into the day and watch how your child responds. Come back and share your experience with us. I look forward to hearing the results!

For more ADHD parenting tips, visit

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ADHD Adults Annually Lose 3 Weeks Worth of Work

A recent Harvard Medical School study found that an inability to concentrate leads to poor-quality output (no surprise) and excess days off work. From the result of this study, researchers stated that ADHD affects work performance even more than depression does.

"It's more persistent and severe than many mental disorders, and it results in more sick days, more accidents, and more problems interacting with colleagues,” said study co-author Ron Kessler, a professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

Researchers conducted country-by-country ADHD diagnostic assessments on more than 7,000 adult workers and what they found was that those diagnosed with ADHD spent more than 22 fewer days per year working compared with non-ADHD workers.

This included an average of;
- More than 8 days of which ADHD employees said they could not carry out their routine tasks
- Almost 22 days with reduced productivity
- Nearly 14 days of reduced quality in the work they produced.

Researchers noted that many adult workers with ADHD may not know they have a problem. Kessler further noted that it might be a smart and profitable business move for employers to screen their workers for ADHD.

Do we really want employers to start screening for ADHD? I am not sure that is the best route to better productivity.

If you suspect that you might have Adult ADHD, take this online Adult Attention Deficit quiz.

If you have ADHD, you want to find a safe and effective treatment to help you better function in all areas of your life.

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Normal Kid Behavior or ADD?

What is normal kid behavior and how does that compare to ADD ADHD signs and symptoms kids exhibit? It’s standard for children to on occasion fidget, forget their homework, get distracted in the classroom and to act first and worry about the consequences later. It is when these kinds of actions move from infrequent to frequent that parents and teachers begin to suspect Attention Deficit Disorcer. If you suspect difficulties with your child's hyperactivity or distractibility, you can look at this online ADHD test.

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Put Your Brain to Work

The brain is a muscle and like any other muscle, it needs to be stretched, pushed, pulled and flexed to keep it strong and supple. The term “Use it or lose it” definitely applies to the brain.

Using the brain often will help you to become a better thinker while also increasing your ability to focus. If you flex your brain muscles often and in the right ways, you will become a more skilled thinker and increase your ability to focus.

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Heart Tests Urged for Kids Using ADHD Drugs

Stimulant ADHD medications can increase heart rate and blood pressure. This can put some children with underlying heart conditions at a greater risk of sudden cardiac death. To help reduce the heart risks of children with ADHD, the American Heart Association recommends a pre-treatment heart exam, including an electrocardiogram (ECG).

The FDA reported that 19 children died suddenly while taking ADHD medications and another 26 children experienced serious problems, including cardiac arrest, stroke, and heart palpitations between 1999 and 2004.

Even children who don’t show any symptoms might have undiagnosed heart conditions. Furthermore, some heart conditions may not appear until adolescence so children who have had normal results on an ECG in the past may need to be retested again later.

Chances are, your child’s heart is strong, healthy and able to withstand the effects of stimulant medications. Just to be on the safe side though, have your child’s heart tested before starting treatment.

There are a number of pros and cons to using prescription ADHD medications. The best advice I can give is to follow your heart and do what you truly believe is best for your child.

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Parenting Tip: Offer Choices

Doing homework, brushing teeth or cleaning the bedroom might be non-negotiable but allowing your child some say in the matter will go a long way in getting the job done.

Instead of laying down the "Do Your Homework" mandate, ask the child if they would rather do their homework before dinner or before their favorite television show.

Ask if they would like the clear gel toothpaste or the mint flavored toothpaste.

Would your child rather clean his room now or when you return from the grocery store?

Would he like a special treat after cleaning his room or would he rather have an extra 30 minutes past his normal bedtime?

The only caveat with this suggestion is that you don't offer too many choices. Too many choices can overwhelm the ADHD kid.

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Natural Stress Relief.

Dealing with a hyperactive child can be hectic and stressful until behavior is brought under control naturally through the proper supplements, like Attend, and diet, While your natural instinct as a parent is to focus on your child, for your own health’s sake, you need to focus a little on yourself.
Take a few moments for some of these natural stress relievers for a happier, less stressed out life.
Take a hot bubble bath; have one glass of wine; get plenty of sleep; walk away from the stressful situation; try yoga; take time for quiet time every day to relax, read or pray; use aromatherapy; eat healthful meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins; take a walk in nature; drink plenty of water; talk to a friend who is not critical or pessimistic; forgo alcohol, caffeine and tobacco; listen to subliminal tapes with a relaxation theme; exercise three to six times a week.

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UK Doctors Looking at US Model for Treating ADHD -- And Doing the Opposite

Recent UK clinical studies have led professionals to compose new guidelines and regulations concerning the use of stimulants such as Concerta and Ritalin to counter the symptoms of ADHD. Often used as a first-line of defense against ADHD within the US, these often harsh stimulants are being replaced by behavioral therapy for the child and family. In the US, approximately one in ten children are being or have been treated with stimulants with over 420,000 prescriptions handed out in 2004 alone nearly doubling since 1998. The UK has gone to great lengths to avoid this popular rising trend of giving stimulants to children as is commonplace in the US.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) offers new guidelines involving the parents of children diagnosed with ADHD. Involving parents in an intense behavioral therapy to manage the behavior of the ADHD child coupled with teacher training for managing the students diagnosed with ADHD is just one part of the diversion from the ever-growing popularity of stimulants.

While stimulants may be utilized for treating severe ADHD in children, pre-school aged children are never allowed treatment with stimulants. In addition, stimulant use is always a small part of the much more intense treatment plan.

Educational instruction, behavioral guidance, and psychological interventions are all part of ensuring that children within the UK diagnosed with ADHD and those children’s care takers are taught to manage the behavior rather than mask the symptoms.

By taking a look at how the US has “handled” the rise in children diagnosed with ADHD, the UK has developed a positive step forward recognizing the need for intensive behavioral therapy rather than harsh stimulants.

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Is Strattera Worse for European Kids?

It seems the list of warnings for Strattera purchased in Europe are far greater than when you purchase this ADHD drug in the US.

Strattera's European "Black Box" warning now include psychosis, hallucinations, mania and agitation. However, the US labels are void of these warnings. This does not mean the risk is any less real for Americans who take the drug? Hardly. Yet, the FDA seems to be dragging their feet when it comes to asking Eli Lilly to add yet another warning to their already warning-ridden label.

Strattera was introduced to the marketplace in 2003. Doctors began seeing a trend of mood destabilization shortly after its introduction.

In 2004 the FDA mandated updated labeling with a bolded warning about the potential for severe liver injury. The labeling warns that severe liver injury may progress to liver failure, resulting in death or the need for a liver transplant in a small percentage of patients.

In 2005 the FDA requested that an additional warning be added to the label of Stattera advising it may trigger suicidal thoughts in some children and adolescents.

In 2008 the European Straterra warnings included; “the risk of the onset or exacerbation of serious psychiatric disorders, including psychotic reactions, hallucinations, mania and agitation.” Aggression and hostility are already listed harmful effects of Strattera.

The European medical regulatory agency reviewed 34 cases of homicidal behavior and 2 cases of homicide in connection with Strattera. In 17 of the 34 cases – half - the homicidal behavior disappeared when Strattera was discontinued. In one case When the drug was re-administrated in one case, thoughts of murdering returned.

Murder, suicide, mayhem, aggression, liver failure and heart attacks – and this isn’t even naming all of the Straterra side effects. YIKES!

Do you really want your child on Strattera?

Look, there are many ADHD medications on the market and many effective non-drug treatments for ADHD too. Please exhaust all options before resorting to Strattera.

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Adult ADHD Tip: Lost Your Keys Again?

Few things are more stressful than running out the door (late as usual...), only to realize you have misplaced your keys, again. Or worse yet, you are running out the door (late as usual...), only to realize you have locked your keys inside the car (again) and have misplaced the second set.

It is a rare adult ADDer who goes an extended time without playing the "Where are my keys?" game. Most play this game on a regular basis. The best way to stop playing this game is to make duplicates or triplicates of all keys.

Carry a duplicate car key in your wallet, separate from your key ring. Leave another spare car key with someone who is generally available. Bury a house key in a secret spot near the house. Better yet, avoid the house key issue altogether by installing keyless door locks. Keyless entries are reasonable in price and often offer a higher measure of security over keyed entries.

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Your Life Can Be Better, Using Strategies for Adult ADD/ADHD

Your Life Can Be Better, Using Strategies for Adult ADD/ADHD

Find our book here :


Train the Brain to Hear: Brain Training Techniques to Treat Auditory Processing Disorders in Kids with ADD/ADHD, Low Spectrum Autism, and Auditory Processing Disorders

Train the Brain to Hear: Brain Training Techniques to Treat Auditory Processing Disorders in Kids with ADD/ADHD, Low Spectrum Autism, and Auditory Processing Disorders

Find our book here :


Fast Acting Attention & Focus Brain Supplement - Cherry, 30 Servings (Omega 3-6-9, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, & More)

Fast Acting Attention & Focus Brain Supplement - Cherry, 30 Servings (Omega 3-6-9, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, & More)

Find our healthy stuff here :


ADD & Loving It?!

ADD & Loving It?!

Find our cool stuff here :


ADHD Symptom and Strategies: The Ultimate Guide for Understanding and Handling Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults and Children(FREE BONUS INSIDE) (ADHD, ... ADHD Symptoms, ADD Symptoms, Hyperactivity)

ADHD Symptom and Strategies: The Ultimate Guide for Understanding and Handling Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults and Children(FREE BONUS INSIDE) (ADHD, ... ADHD Symptoms, ADD Symptoms, Hyperactivity)

Find our cool stuff here :


Superparenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach to Raising Your Distracted Child

Superparenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach to Raising Your Distracted Child

Find our book here :


Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.? Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder

Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.? Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder

Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?
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Healing ADD Revised Edition: The Breakthrough Program that Allows You to See and Heal the 7 Types of ADD

Healing ADD Revised Edition: The Breakthrough Program that Allows You to See and Heal the 7 Types of ADD

Find our book here :
