Conquer Your ADD

Adult ADHD Tip: Where Did the Day Go?

Time management is a sticky widget for adult ADHDers.

One of the best things you can do to keep you on task is to make a "To Do" list the night before or first thing in the morning. Write down everything you want to get done during the day, even if the list is longer than you know you can realistic accomplish.

Once you have your list, highlight the top six priorities of the day and do those before anything else. Make sure you check each project off as you move through the day to help you keep track of what was done and what still needs to be done.

Another popular technique is to have a dry-marker erase board on hand. These can be purchased for just about nothing at any of the popular mass-merchandise stores. When you have something that needs to be done, just write it on the board!

Sticky notes are great too….

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